Cieloisms & One Liners

Welcome to SLG Quotables! These are random funny quotes as encountered by the Screams Like Girl crew: Angela, Bernard, Cielo, and Melissa. Wacky adventures, here we come!

Monday, January 08, 2007

punching and bananas

me, angela, and cielo are at mcdonald's and angela is talking about this girl in her dorm who she had some beef with before coming back home. she's telling us a story about her going to a party and that girl was avoiding her.

angela: so i went to my friend daniel, and i was like... "ooh. daniel, i think i'm gonna punch someone!"


at angela's house january 2, 2007. we're having a fondu party and bernard wanted his banana a specific way.

angela: oh, he's waiting for his banana to get hard.
bernard: the banana isn't ready yet, it's not hard enough.
bernard dips the ready banana into the chocolate fondu so it looks like "something", and he's about to eat it.

cielo: deepthroat that!!!
angela takes a picture of bernard eating the banana dipped in chocolate.

candice: umm... wow bernard, you look very um.... pleasured.


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